Ejaculation Concerns
Ejaculation Concerns
Ejaculation is the release of semen from the penis at orgasm (Sexual Climax). When a man is sexually stimulated, the brain sends signals to the genital areas through nerves in the spinal cord to make the pelvic muscles contract. At orgasm, waves of muscle contractions transport the sperm, with a small amount of fluid from the testes, through the vas deferens. The seminal vesicles and prostate, contribute extra fluid to protect the sperm. This mixture of sperm and fluid (semen) travels along the urethra to the tip of the penis, where it is ejaculated (released).
Men can experience different kinds of ejaculation problems, including:
– Premature Ejaculation
– Delayed Ejaculation
– Retrograde Ejaculation
– Ejaculatory Fluid Concerns
– Painful Ejaculation
Premature Ejaculation
The condition of ejaculating (cumming) too fast is known as ‘Premature Ejaculation’. It can be of a medical, psychological, behavioural nature, or a combination of all three. Premature ejaculation can have devastating effects on a person’s self-confidence and self-esteem, their relationships, and sexual enjoyment.
Premature ejaculation is often defined as the ejaculation, which is uncontrolled, and takes place either prior to or just after a sexual penetration. This happens much before a person desires for an ejaculation. It can also take place with minimum stimulation and is quite unsatisfactory for both the partners. This often leads to anxiety and other problems and can affect any man at any point of his life. This is known to be the most common form of male sexual dysfunction.
Premature ejaculation is a common difficulty experienced by men, closely followed by other ejaculation conditions such as;
- Inhibited (Delayed) Ejaculation
- Retrograde Ejaculation (Internal ejaculation in the bladder, rather than externally through the penis)
- Anejaculation (No ejaculation)
How Can Dave Wells Therapies Help?
Research exhibits that men are much less likely than women to access health support. This is especially so, when the condition is of a sexual nature. Difficulties concerning the penis and its performance can be extremely difficult to confront, however many penile conditions are often easily rectified with support.
A sexologist is trained to explore pre-mature ejaculation from both a physiological (Medical) and psychological (Thoughts, feelings and behaviours) perspective, to achieve the best outcome for the person.
Dave Wells Therapies can support individuals with the social and personal psychological implications of this condition, as well as providing and overseeing referral to health professionals for exploratory, and treatment options if deemed necessary. This two-tier approach in addressing various sexual difficulties, aims to achieve ‘best practice for the individual’.
Men do not usually say to their mates that they have a problem with reaching an orgasm too early in their sexual encounters, and if they did, they would learn that this is not uncommon. Dave Wells is easy to talk to about topics that many men find difficult to discuss. He provides a confidential, safe, and non-judgmental service that may result in it being a standalone service to address the sexual concern as a majority of the causes of this condition are psychological in nature. However, there can be causes where medical support many take precedence, and Dave Wells may be required to collaborate in unity with medical professionals to achieve the best outcomes for the person.
Whatever the result, a client-centered approach underpins the philosophy of Dave Wells Therapies and enables each individual to have control of any decisions they make regarding their health.
Painful Ejaculation
Painful ejaculation, or painful orgasm, has been commonly described as a pain or burning sensation that happens when a man ejaculates. He may feel pain between his anus and genitals or in his testes. He may also feel it in the urethra (the tube that semen passes through).
The prostate gland and seminal vesicles are involved with the production of semen, the fluid which helps to transport sperm. Ejaculation is the result of muscular contractions which sends the sperm from the testicles to the urethra where it is eliminated from the body via the penis. Therefore, any condition that causes inflammation or an infection of these structures may result in painful ejaculation.
The causes of painful ejaculation may be in the testicles, prostate, or the urethra – the tubular structure which urine and semen travel through exiting the penis. There are various types of inflammation and bacterial or viral infections that can occur as well as less frequent, more serious medical reasons for the causes of the pain.
How Can Dave Wells Therapies Help?
A man may become so frustrated by this pain that he starts to avoid sex. His relationship with his partner/s may suffer as a result. Many men with painful ejaculation experience depression and anxiety”.
Many men find it difficult to discuss concerns that involve their genitalia, sexual functioning, and sexual experiences, and yet by doing so is in their best interest, both psychologically and physically. Dave Wells provides a safe, respecting, confidential environment for men to openly discuss their presenting issue and have it addressed from both a physiological (Medical) and psychological (Thoughts, feelings, and behaviours) perspective to achieve the best outcome for the person.
Dave Wells can support individuals with the social and personal psychological implications of this condition, as well as providing and overseeing referral to health professionals for exploratory and treatment options if deemed necessary.
This two-tier approach in addressing various sexual difficulties, aims to achieve ‘best practice’. The support that Dave Wells provides may result in it being a standalone service to address the sexual concern. However, medical support many take precedence, or Dave Wells may be required to collaborate in unity with medical professionals to achieve the best outcomes for the person.
Whatever the result, a client-centered approach underpins the philosophy of Dave Wells and enables each individual to have control of any decisions.
Retrograde Ejaculation
Retrograde ejaculation doesn't affect your ability to get an erection or have an orgasm — but when you climax, semen goes into your bladder instead of coming out of your penis. Retrograde ejaculation signs and symptoms include:
- Orgasms in which you ejaculate very little or no semen out of your penis (dry orgasms)
- Urine that is cloudy after orgasm because it contains semen
- Inability to get a woman pregnant (male infertility)
During a male orgasm, a tube called the vas deferens transports sperm to the prostate, where they mix with other fluids to produce liquid semen (ejaculate). The muscle at the opening of the bladder (bladder neck muscle) tightens to prevent ejaculate from entering the bladder as it passes from the prostate into the tube inside the penis (urethra). This is the same muscle that holds urine in your bladder until you urinate.

Several conditions can cause problems with the muscle that closes the bladder during ejaculation. These include:
- Surgery, such as bladder neck surgery, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection surgery for testicular cancer or prostate surgery
- Side effect of certain medications used to treat high blood pressure, prostate enlargement and depression
- Nerve damage caused by a medical condition, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease or a spinal cord injury
A dry orgasm is the primary sign of retrograde ejaculation. But dry orgasm — the ejaculation of little or no semen — can also be caused by other conditions, including:
- Surgical removal of the prostate (prostatectomy)
- Surgical removal of the bladder (cystectomy)
- Radiation therapy to treat cancer in the pelvic area
Risk factors
You're at increased risk of retrograde ejaculation if:
- You have diabetes or multiple sclerosis
- You've had prostate or bladder surgery
- You take certain drugs for high blood pressure or a mood disorder
- You had a spinal cord injury
Retrograde ejaculation isn't harmful. However, potential complications include:
- Inability to get a woman pregnant (male infertility)
- Less pleasurable orgasm due to worries about absent ejaculate
How Can Dave Wells Therapies Help?
This condition is difficult to treat, but most men with this condition do not need treatment. The most important message is that it is not a sign of a serious illness.
In my practice, I explore Retrograde Ejaculation and Anejaculation from both a physiological (Medical) and psychological (Thoughts, feelings, and behaviours) perspective to achieve the best outcome for the person.
Dave Wells can support individuals with the social and personal psychological implications of this condition, as well as providing and overseeing referral to health professionals for exploratory and treatment options if deemed necessary.
This two-tier approach in addressing various sexual difficulties, aims to achieve ‘best practice’. The support that Dave Wells provides may result in it being a standalone service to address the sexual concern. However, medical support may take precedence, or Dave Wells may be required to collaborate in unity with medical professionals to achieve the best outcomes for the person.
Whatever the result, a client-centered approach underpins the philosophy of Dave Wells Therapies and enables each individual to have control of any decisions.
Ejaculatory Fluid Concerns
Men may have concerns around semen or fluid ejaculation. These concerns may range from, dry ejaculation through to too much ejaculatory fluid, an unusual colour, or consistency in texture, as well as sexual fluid exposure or sensation discomfort. Reasons for fluid concerns can both be psychological (Thoughts/Behaviour) or Physical (Medical).
The physical or medical possibilities include: developmental and puberty, retrograde ejaculation, excessive sexual activity, blockages and obstructions.
The psychological effects can include; dis-empowerment, having a negative effect on self-confidence and self-esteem of the person, excessive worry, relationship, and bonding difficulties, among many others.
For men who are trying to get their partners pregnant, as well as in communities who place a high emphasis on sexual fluid; ejaculatory fluid concerns are often serious and confounding.
How Can Dave Wells Therapies Help?
In my practice, I explore ejaculatory fluid concerns from both a physiological (Medical) and psychological (Thoughts, feelings, and behaviours) perspective to achieve the best outcome for the person.
Dave Wells can support individuals with the social and personal psychological implications of discomfort arising from the concern, as well as providing and overseeing referral to health professionals for exploratory and treatment options if deemed necessary.
This two-tier approach in addressing various sexual difficulties, aims to achieve ‘best practice’. The support that Dave Wells provides, may result in it being a standalone service to address the sexual concern. However, medical support may take precedence, or Dave Wells may be required to collaborate in unity with medical professionals to achieve the best outcomes for the person.
Whatever the result, a client-centered approach underpins the philosophy of Dave Wells Therapies and enables each individual to have control of any decisions regarding their health.
Delayed Ejaculation
Delayed ejaculation can have a major impact on a man’s emotional well-being, and it is common for men to feel less confident, frustrated, ashamed and embarrassed about this condition. Additionally, it can greatly affect his relationship and sexual encounters. Their partner may be worried that they are doing something wrong in sex, or not being attractive enough for him to ejaculate. This often has very little to do with the sexual partner, therefore counselling and sex therapy is often suggested to address these issues.
Contributing Factors of Delayed Ejaculation
There are 4 suggested causes of delayed ejaculation:
1.Emotional, psychological, or relationship problems:
• Often intimacy issues, anger, or resentment may be involved.
• Absence of sexual thoughts/fantasies while sexually active.
• Anxiety/Trying too hard for build up to orgasm.
• Arousal difficulties with the partner.
2. Organic Causes are: Spinal cord or neurological injury:
• Major pelvic cancer surgery.
• Diabetes Mellitus.
• Age related penile hypoanaestesia (a state of abnormally decreased sensitivity to stimuli).
• Intracavernous self-injection.
3. Pharmacological Side Effects:
• SSRI anti-depressants.
• Anti-psychotic medication.
4. Idiosyncratic Masturbatory Style/Desensitisation of the penis through habituation:
• Idiosyncratic Masturbatory Style is when a man is used to rubbing his penis against rough surfaces while masturbation, which has desensitised his penis.
The information above has been adapted from
How Can Dave Wells Therapies Help?
In my practice, I explore ‘delayed ejaculation’ from both a physiological (Medical) and psychological (thoughts, feelings, and behaviours) perspective to achieve the best outcome for the person.
I can support individuals with the social and personal psychological implications of this condition, as well as providing and overseeing referral to health professionals for exploratory and treatment options if deemed necessary.
This two-tier approach in addressing various sexual difficulties, aims to achieve ‘best practice’. The support that Dave Wells provides may result in it being a standalone service to address the sexual concern. However, medical support many take precedence, or Dave Wells may be required to collaborate in unity with medical professionals to achieve the best outcomes for the person.
Whatever the result, a client-centered approach underpins the philosophy of Dave Wells and enables each individual to have control of any decisions.