
Individual sessions tailored to the specific needs of all genders to help you Express the REAL You, integrating Feldenkrais, Bones for Life, Body Psychotherapy and Voice Training

The Gender Service is located at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and includes:
- Diagnosis and assessment of adults with Gender Dysphoria or gender non-conforming behaviour or identity.
- Time limited support from the Department of Social Work and Psychology for patients with social adjustments related to Gender Dysphoria.

LifePsyche is one of the office spaces that Dave Wells utilises to hold his appointments.
Services at LifePsyche integrate nutrition, psychology and lifestyle factors to create personalised health solutions for your mind and body.

Graceville Medical is one of the office spaces that Dave Wells utilises to hold his appointments.
All Doctors at Graceville Medical have satisfied the training requirements of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, and are on the Vocational Register of General Practitioners. In addition, several Doctors have completed a post-graduate Fellowship examination in general practice. The staff at Graceville Medical have a commitment to quality general practice and to continuing medical education.

Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service
The aim of the QCGS is to improve the health, well-being and function of Queensland children diverse in gender identity through affirmative, family focused, interdisciplinary assessment and specialist care.

Stonewall does its best to provide complete holistic care to members of the LGBTIQ+ community, those requiring specialised care and those in the local community.
Many people who attend Stonewall do so because it is an accepting place where both reception staff and practitioners treat patients respectfully and without prejudice. Stonewall is a space where safety comes from honesty and can be achieved without shame.

QuAC’s mission is to enable lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people to increase control over and improve their health, and maintain happy, healthy and fabulous lives!

Brisbane Metro South Sexual Health Service
Metro South Sexual Health Service offers clinics at Princess Alexandra and Logan Hospitals at various times, by appointment only. The service is confidential, and appointments are with a doctor or nurse.

Whatever your story, RAPID is a safe place to get tested for HIV and STIs without any judgement about your sexual behaviour or injecting practices. We make testing discreet, easy and free for everyone.

Queensland Positive People (QPP) is a peer-based advocacy organisation which is committed to actively promoting self-determination and empowerment for all people living with HIV (PLHIV) throughout Queensland.

Open Doors Youth Service provides support to young people with diverse genders, sex and sexuality. We support young people who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, Pansexual, Sistergirl or Brotherboy (LGBTIQAP+ Sistergirl & Brotherboy) aged 12-24 across South East Queensland.

LGBTQI Health. At Pulse Medical, they are proud to be a gay-friendly clinic that provides services across all areas of LGBTQI Health, including offerring HIV Management (Dr Erin Batman only), sexual health, counselling & mental health services, transgender health, and they can even help lead you in the right direction for support services such as accommodation assistance, and coming out.

Gladstone Road Medical Centre provides holistic health care within an environment that is safe for all. LGBTQI are welcome . The Medical staff specialise in Sexual Health, HIV Care, Mental Health, Mens and Womens Health, Transgender Health, all within the context of general health care.
All types of families and their children are welcome.